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Although each laser diode is listed at the center wavelength, it is only a typical value. The center wavelength of each product will be slightly different during the production process, so the diode you receive may not work at the typical center wavelength. The diode is temperature tunable, which will change the wavelength of the laser. Most of the products listed below are tested by wavelength, and the major wavelengths of each product are tested and recorded. After clicking the "Choose Item" below, a list will be displayed, including the main wavelength, output power and working current of each inventory product. Ludwig Eichner, Senior Engineer at Thorlabs, said, "Our expertise in bringing products from concept to market in a rapid turn-around time is a crucial requirement in this field." Eichner went on to say that this rapid turn-around will reduce component assembly and bench tests, which remain the largest cost. Dr. Eichner added, "The push to drive R&D innovations into production and yet have a changing mechanism to diverge as the market changes are Thorlabs' strong points."